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  Official information on companies from Belarus and Kazakhstan

Here you can obtain informational extracts and reports from the registers of Kazakhstan and Belarus in English and Russian languages.

Below are the examples of the documents: To order a document please fill in the form below and we will write you back soon.

Name of company *
(for Kazakhstan individuals also available)

Any additional information
Your e-mail *

An extract from the State Register of Belarus contains the following information: information on registration of the company, address, type of activity, capital, director, shareholders (founders) with the amount of their shares.

An extract from the State Register of Kazakhstan contains the following information: information of registration of the company, director, address, type of activity, shareholders (founders), information about company's branches, information about participation of the company in the other companies as a shareholder, information about the burden imposed (arrest).

It is also possible to order informational extract from the State Register of Kazakhstan on an individual. In this case the extract will contain information about participation of the individual in the companies of Kazakhstan as a director or shareholder/founder.
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