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Main news of June 6



* Twenty-four messages automatically sent by an Air France A330 that went missing off Brazil's northeast coast show that the autopilot mode was not on, the French agency investigating air crashes (BEA) said

* Russia's consumer rights regulator Rospotrebnadzor has banned the imports of almost 500 dairy products from Belarus after producers failed to comply with new legislation, the regulator head said

* Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said ensuring stability grain prices and guaranteeing food security are priorities for the agricultural sector, a Kremlin press release said


* The first World Grain Forum opened in St. Petersburg, with participants focusing on grain prices, food security and technology


* Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Saturday that tendencies in the global economy are irreversible, and that fast developing markets, including Russia, will quickly overcome the financial crisis consequences

* Deals worth several billions of dollars have been concluded at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the Russian economic development minister said

* Reviewing Russia's 2009 federal budget would be irresponsible despite oil price growth, and budget policy should remain conservative, a first deputy prime minister said


* Russia's Svetlana Kuznetsova defeated fellow compatriot Dinara Safina in the all-Russian French Open final in Paris on Saturday to take her second-career grand slam title 6:4, 6:2

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