New Caps For Simplified Taxation System To Be Applied Individually
The new income restrictions for the simplified tax system, as prescribed by Federal Law 204-FZ from 07-19-2009, will not be applied simultaneously, according to the Federal Tax Service’s Letter ШС-22-3/672@ from 08-31-2009.
Those who are already employing the new system this year should follow the previous income limit of 20 million rubles per year, adjusted for inflation. It will not be until 2010 that the newly authorized maximum of 60 million rubles will apply.
However, for those planning to transition to simplified taxation in 2010, the new amounts will apply for the limits set for qualification to use the simplified system. Those taxpayers whose income does not exceed 45 million rubles for any nine months of 2009 will be able to transition to the simplified taxation system in 2010.
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