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The Russian stock market opened with a decline of MICEX and RTS


On Wednesday the Russian stock market opened with a decline in the prices of blue chips, associated with fears of a rate raising by the US Federal Reserve. At the same time, the players ignored the growth of oil, while the MICEX and RTS indices lost 0.4-0.7 percent over the first minute of trading.

By 10:01 Moscow time, the MICEX index reached 1,977.71 points (-0.4 percent), the RTS index - 994.25 points (-0.7 percent); the ruble prices of the most major "chips" on the Moscow Exchange fell by no more than 1 percent.

The cost of the US dollar fell to 62.51 rubles (-0.15 rubles).

Shares of the following companies became cheaper: VTB (-0.2 percent), Gazprom (-0.3 percent), LUKOIL (-0.4 percent), Magnit (-0.8 percent), Mobile TeleSystems (-0.3 percent), NOVATEK (-0.8 percent), Norilsk Nickel (-0.8 percent), Rosneft (-0.4 percent), Rostelecom (-0.3 percent), Sberbank (-0.4 percent), Surgutneftegaz (-0.7 percent), Tatneft (-0.8 percent), FSK UES (-0.3 percent).

A day earlier, the US indices fell on 0.5 percent; on Wednesday in Asia the positive trend prevails, however, Europe goes to minus the FTSE, S&P 350 and DAX indices lost 0.1-0.8 percent), as well as the US stock futures (the contract for the S&P 500 index fell by 0.1 percent). The decrease of quotations in stock markets indicates the nervousness of investors associated with an increased likelihood of the rate hike in the United States.

The fear that the European Central Bank reduces the quantitative easing program (QE) has also put pressure on the market. As the Bloomberg agency reports with reference to informed sources, the European Central Bank can start gradual reduction of the asset purchase program from the current 80 billion euros a month as approaching the term of its completion, scheduled for March 2017.

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