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Expenses for anti-crisis plan reduced to 107,5 billion rubles. The recent variant of anti-crisis plan from the government slimmed from 1,5 trillion rubles to 107,5 billion rubles of costs not provided by the budget. The main focus the government will apply not to the anti-crisis plan, but to the complex one for government actions till 2025, that will have been developed by May, 2017. The plans themselves
The recent version of this document was received by the White house this weekend. The document was already developed from suggestions of establishments for the Ministry of Economic Development at the end of 2016. Its first variant, presented to the government at the end of December last year, was evaluated in 488,7 billion rubles. Its general cost consisted of expenses on priority projects and subsidies to the regions. However, those expenditures already contradicted one another. The priority projects considered a main result of project office work led by the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, are expected to be the main triggers for economy growth. «The sources for financing the priority projects are already covered by the law of state budget for 2017 and planned period of 2018-2019,» — clarified in the Ministry of Economic Development. On the contrary, the subsidies to the regions are necessary for stabilizing the units damaged by the crisis along with the long-term government plans for searching the growth. Expenses for subsidies are already covered by the budget. However, the attempt for repeating the December version of the document in the mould of anti-crisis government plans from last years wasn’t corresponding the official point of view that the crisis is left behind. In January, this contradictory became clear to all participants of this planning. «This, as I would call it „anti-crisis plan“ is in reality the plan for supporting several sectors of economy», — said earlier in the interview for Gazeta.ru deputy Minister of economic development Oleg Fomichev. Thus, all federal expenses, that have a complete nature of anti-crisis financing, are left in that document. According to Oleg Fomichev, the plan for 2017 «will be very short, there will be almost no structured methods. Because, we will concentrate not on this plan, but on the one we must develop and accept by May», — said deputy Minister. The plan, that doesn’t exist«Most experts in this case share the view, that the potential for our economy growth now is around 3,5-4%, the question is how to activate this potential», — said on January, 12 Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, giving speech at Gaydar Economic Forum. Prime Minister now «realizes, that in order to recuperate normal growth rates just using money and budget policy will not be possible, serious structured reforms are needed here». Final decision to concentrate on more major plan was made on January, 10 during the meeting at Dmitry Medvedev’s. For now, only general shape of the structure is clear. Upon evaluations of the Head of MED Maksim Oreshkin, which he conducted at the beginning of January, structural reformations are necessary for 7 directions. Apart from liberalization in the sphere of human assets and solving the problem of poverty, the Minister suggest to concentrate on the issues of increasing the investment activity, innovations, and on international cooperation and export. Separately it is necessary to reduce the level of transaction costs in economy. In addition to that, the Minister has not once highlighted the importance of solving the problem of a high share of shadow economy in the country. The volume of shadow economy in the pyramidal structure of Russian state capitalism is mentioned neither in the MID not in the Ministry of Finance. But this is not about self-employed citizens, who until recently were officially considered the only element of shadow economy. This Saturday Maksim Oreshkin during his speech at Gaydar Forum connected tax reduction in the economy with the reduction of «shadow» level. The Prime Minister delegated to the units and Central Bank a task — by January, 23 send the suggestions to MID for complex plan of government actions till 2025, said the sources in the government. Last week Maksim Oreshkin promised, that «in about 2 months, in March, we will have such working version, some mini-summary». Who else was excludedIn the meantime, from the anti-crisis plan of 2017 were excluded all points, that may contain structured methods and be of use for the long-term plan developed till 2025. That is why from the document were also excluded ideas for developing the program of financial recovery and social —economic development of constituent units of Russian Federation with the high level of leverage. Ideas to carry out activities to assess the state of the labor market were crossed out, so were all points that supposed the search of new approaches to support of sectors of economy, that are experiencing a significant structural decrease. The sources at the Cabinet explained such approach in the manner of January mission statements of the members of the government Presidium: points not included in the plan will be carried out under the actions of preparation of the project of complex government plan, focused on increasing the rates of economy growth for 2017-2025 years. For the same reason from the document also disappeared the only stipulated fiscal indulgence — freezing until June 30, 2018 annual indexing for inflation of fees from trucks with a maximum mass exceeding 12 tonnes. Who is left
The rest of the costs are divided into subsidies for transport engineering, agricultural engineering, road-constructing and communal engineering. Minor subsidies are aimed for food and pharmaceutical processing industries and for the textile industry. In the budget there are no financial sources for covering these expenses yet. «Most likely they will be covered using budget funds at the disposal of the government», — supposed one of the officials familiar with the plan.
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