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Russian president to visit Netherlands


MOSCOW, June 19 (RIA Novosti) - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will arrive in the Netherlands on Friday on a two-day visit, on the invitation of Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, a Kremlin official said.

The leaders will discuss bilateral relations, and on Saturday will take part in the ceremonial opening of the Hermitage Amsterdam, which will show exhibitions from St. Petersburg's Hermitage Museum.

Medevedev will also meet with Queen Beatrix, as well as corporate leaders based in the Netherlands who are actively involved in investment relations with Russia, the official told RIA Novosti.

The Netherlands is one of Russia's leading trade partners, with turnover last year totaling $62 billion, and accrued Dutch capital investment reaching $45 billion, or 18% of total foreign investment in Russia's economy.

The largest investment activities between the countries are Sakhalin-2, an oil and gas project run by Russia's Gazprom and Anglo-Dutch oil major Shell, and the Nord Stream gas pipeline running from Russia to Germany, in which N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie holds 9%.

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