Organized crime's penetration into authorities and commercial entities grows amid the financial crisis, says a corruption and organized crime report of the Russian Interior Ministry's Investigation Committee. "Trends of deeper penetration of organized crime into authorities and commercial entities are broadening, and this has a negative effect on key spheres of public life and state activity," the report runs. The rate of certain crimes reduced in Russia in the first half of this year, but the rate of the most dangerous felonies, such as organized crime and corruption, "was not stabilized enough," the report runs. "Corruption is an inseparable part of organized crime. We may say that organized crime does not hide but blocks a possible state response via corrupt bureaucrats of various ranks," the report runs. The number of indicted high-ranking officials has grown lately, the report said. A total of 20,300 criminal cases vs. organized criminal groups were investigated in the first half of the year. The number of solved terrorist acts grew by 66.7%, and number of solved criminal conspiracies by 2.7%. The police also solved more cases of hooliganism and drug-related crimes. Embezzlement makes up 79.8% of all corruption crimes, bribes come next with 15.5%, and bribery amounts to 3.8%. A total of 25,500 cases of abuse by civil servants, administration members and executives of commercial and other organizations were investigated in the first half of 2009. A total of 753 crimes were committed by organized groups. Courts took on 21,300 cases, and 6,800 persons were tried. More news
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