Russia's President signed the Federal Law #109-ФЗ “On the Ratification of an Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Mongolia on Temporary Labor Activities by Citizens of One State on the Territory of the Other State” from June 7, 2013.
The Agreement was signed in Moscow on February 17, 2012. It deals with establishing a reciprocal, favorable regime for the entry, exit and movement of workers across the receiving state’s territory.
Workers must conduct labor activity in the receiving state only with an appropriate work permit and only according to the type of the activity prescribed by the permit. If the requirement is not fulfilled (including change of employer), the permit becomes void and the worker must leave the country within 15 days.
The agreements stipulates that a labor contract must be signed prior to the worker’s departure from his country, and upon mutual agreement by the parties – after worker’s arrival (on the condition that the worker was notified of employment terms prior). The salary and other terms of labor contract must not be less favorable than what is required for the citizens of the receiving state employed in similar positions. The law prescribes procedures for termination of a labor contract for reasons beyond the control of the parties, regulations for medical, pension and social benefits, taxation of migrant workers, etc.
The term of the agreement is established for 5 years with the possibility for automatic renewal for 2-year term at a time.
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