This new legislative ban prohibits the employment of foreign citizens as highly qualified specialists for customer service in consumer goods retail (including pharmaceutical goods) regardless of the product(s) sold, sales premises and types of services, with the exception of high-level personnel conducting management and activity related to coordination of sales.
The list of professions (occupations, specialties) of employees conducting management and coordinating activity and qualification requirements for these employees has been approved by a federal government agency overseeing the development and implementation of state policies and normative legal regulation in the area of employment and unemployment.
Earlier governmental decrees established limitations for employment of foreign citizens as highly qualified specialists for customer service in consumer goods retail (including pharmaceutical goods) regardless of product range, sales premises and types of services.
It is also established that quotas (for work visa invitations and work permits) will not include highly qualified specialists and their family members (Federal Law #82-ФЗ “On Introduction of Changes to the Federal Law ‘On Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation’” from May 7, 2013.
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