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Procedures for Regulating Adoption Agencies in Russia


The approved regulations applying to representations of foreign organizations in Russia working with foreign adoptions establish:

  • The subject of the state control, rights and responsibilities of specialists conducting the monitoring;
  • Requirements for the procedure of execution of state functions;
  • List of administrative procedures (monitoring of representations’ activity, conducting scheduled and unscheduled inspections);
  • Forms of and procedures for regulation of government functions;
  • Procedures for appealing official's decisions and actions.

More detailed information is available in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science #676 from August 30, 2012 “On Establishing Administrative Regulation of the Ministry of Education and Science for Executing State Functions of Control over the Activity of Representations of Foreign Government Agencies and Organizations and Foreign Non-governmental Noncommercial Organizations for the Adoption of Children in the Russian Federation”.

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