Federal Law #106-ФЗ from May 5, 2014 “On Introduction of Changes to Certain Legislative Acts of Russian Federation” amended the procedures for the accreditation of branch offices and representations of foreign legal entities in Russia. Currently, the accreditation of branch and representation offices of foreign legal entities in Russia is conducted by the State Registration Chamber. According to the amendments, the accreditation function will be transferred to a delegated authority determined by the Government later. The proposed plan names the Federal Tax Service for this function. At the same time the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the RF will lose authority for issuing permits for establishing representations of foreign companies and organizations and will receive responsibility for the personal accreditation of foreign citizens – employees of branch and representation offices of foreign companies. The law prescribes the main procedures for accreditation and maintenance of a state register of accredited branch and representation offices. The major portion of the data will be open to public and available on the Internet. The law comes into force on January 1, 2015.
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